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Happy New Year 2017 Happy new year, everybody! I posted this at 1 am wohooooo. It’s becoming more repetitive to say but I just can’t believe ...
Happy new year, everybody! I posted this at 1 am wohooooo. It’s becoming more repetitive to say but I just can’t believe time flies so fast that now is 2017 already. Are you frigging kidding me???!!! I feel sad 2016 is over because 2016 felt like a dream to me. I won a writing competition for the first time and they rewarded me with a Japan vacation. If you want to read my entry, click here. Ah, I hope I will fly a lot to different places in 2017. 

Despite all the good things that happened, I also was so sad and terrified because my father and my sister were hospitalized. But I thank God that they are both now healthy. I pray for everyone around me to be healthy in 2017. Amen.

There are a lot of things that I learnt in 2016, 
  • When things fall apart, they could actually be falling into place
  • Sometimes taking your own medicine is a hardest pill to swallow 
  • Always make space in your life for fun and a smile 
  • We need to be our own best friend, not harshest critic 
  • There’s always something to be grateful for
  • If you prioritize everything then nothing is the priority 
  • Health is your real wealth so look after yourself 
  • Whether the glass is half full or half empty is up to you 
  • Travel really can broaden the mind but so can a good book 
  • Regret is a waste of time 
  • Taking part in or being effected negatively by gossip is a waste of your precious time and energy - time and energy that could be put to good 
  • You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 
  • Everything changes when you change. 
  • Most of the time, the only person in your way is you, and
  • Excelling at anything takes real discipline and focus 
Phew. What a lesson. Regarding new year resolution, I have so many of it hahaha but im not gonna share it here cause you know it’s too private lol I always make my new years resolution in public but I realized there are a lot of things that I failed to accomplished. So, I think I better keep it private from now on. I hope you all have unforgettable 2016 and a very happy 2017. Until next blog post <3 

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