hotel review
WOLO hotel kuala lumpur review
Friday, February 26, 2016
First of all, I gave this hotel room rating 9/10. I booked the room in the morning before I fly to KL. I chose this hotel because of a recommendation of my friend who lived in KL. The location is the best! It's literally in front of the Bukit Bintang Station. You just have to cross the road. That's it. That's where the hotel is.
The hotel theme is wonderful. The room design is unique as you can see the pictures below. I like the room interior so much. They also have TLJ bakery in the 1st floor. It really is in the central of Bukit Bintang. As you can see, I could just shopping at Zara through my window LOL There are lots of mall nearby, restaurant, money changer and basically everything. If you come to KL especially to go shopping, it's the best hotel you could ever find.
The staff is very helpful and friendly. I asked them about the city tour, to call my bank and I even asked them to print my plane ticket hehehehe The price is very affordable compared to the location and the facilitation. There are 6 power outlet. So you can charge all of your gadgets just fine. Other facilities are standard hotel facilities like clothes iron, mini fridge, safety deposit box, gym equipment, hair dryer etc. Oh the other thing that made me rated this hotel high is they have high speed internet connection! :D
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taken from official wolo facebook page |
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the map from Wolo official facebook page |
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cozy bedrooms with malls as the view |
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spacious table with a refrigerator beside it |
they have the USB charger (thank god)!!! I dont know that electrical outles in Malaysia is different from Indonesia!
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the entrance door |
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separate toilet on the left |
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separate shower room on the right |
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a huge mirror |
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slide it off to the left and you found a closet |
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slide it off to the right, it's the basin sink |
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adjustable air con |
I definitely will be back to stay at this hotel. Thank you for the warm welcome, WOLO hotel :)
Reviewnya menarik Mbak, bisa jadi pertimbangan kalau ke KL. Btw hotel ini ratenya brp? Lalu, hotel ini dekat dengan sarana transportasi umum tdk ya? thx :)
ReplyDelete700 ribu yang untuk 2 orang udah sama breakfast. Tgl jalan kaki 20 langkah (kirakira. Lebai. Saking deketnya hehehe) dari stasiun bukit bintang. Deket banget.
Deletehai mba Nur :)
Deletepilihan breakfastnya OK banget atau lumayan mba? aku sebenarnya berencana mau booking kamar di sini karena lokasinya OK bgt dengan harga super miring hehe, tapi baca beberapa review, mereka bilang hotelnya sedikit berisik karena ada bar di lantai atas... bisa diceritain ttg suasana hotelnya bagaimana dari point of viewnya mba?
Hai, dia breakfastnya gabung sama bakery TLJ kan ya. Jadi kalau bread and pastrynya okay. Aku sih suka ya sama TLJ. Kalau yg lainnya standard, egg, nasi goreng, sup, buah, cereal. Gitu-gitu. Ak seumur2 baru pernah stay di hotel bagus cuman Makati Shangrilla Filipin. Jadi kalau mau compare kesana jauhhhhh. Tapi klo di kelas harganya wolo buat aku sih cukup yah :D
DeleteMasalah berisik, ak stay di lantai 2 or 3 gt ya ak lupa .jadi ak gag denger sama sekali bunyi-bunyian dari bar padahal ak tidur quiet late yah jam 1an. Tapi ga denger apa2. Apa karena ak lumayan dibawah kamarnya? Maybe.
Kalau suasana hotel as in vibe gitu? Aku kan lagi liburan yah, jadi ak stay di hotel cuman buat tidur aja-bangun-sarapan-cabut. Gitu-gitu aja. Jadi, idk how to describe "suasana" its just a building buat aku hehehe
Kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan lagi, aku bersedia menjawab hehehe
Keren hotelnya Mbaakk...
ReplyDeleteBakal aku jadiin referensi nih klo ke KL. Kmrn sempet ke KL tp cuma tektok dari Singapore aja.
Iyah ak rekomen bgt .ak ga biasa tulis review hotel krn biasanya so-so aja sesuai harga. Tp ak surprise ini kok murah tp bagus bgt heheheheh
Deletewah asyik nih infonya
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih tlh berkunjung~