february - march 2015 favorite
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
The Body Shop Mini Shower Gel

TBH I picked this randomly. I always know TBS product will always smell good. So, I did not worry at all. My confidence is right, I ended up loving all the products. My favorite is definitely the rose one. I am a fan of flower scent as you all know hehhehe
Revlon Parfumerie in African Tea Rose

Look at this color and you tell me you don't like it because I bet you will not even dare! hahahha This color is just too pretty >< Plus it smells so good. I never tried scented nail polish before. This is my first time and I am so satisfied!
Dry Shampoo Batiste

If it's not because of those Youtubers that I subscribe, I will not know this thing exists. I recommend this product to all of you especially us Indonesian. Since we live in a tropical country. No matter how many times we shampoo our hair (me, once every day). At the end of the day, my hair is so greasy and flat. EWW! and imagine you want to go out later after work with your girl friends or want to go to cinema with your boyfriend but your hair looks unpleasant?!!?!!! Do not worry ladies, we have this product now hahahaha you just spray it to the root of your hair and then give your scalp a little massage and that's all. The oil will be gone and your hair will look more voluminous in an instant.
Rachel Ray - My Year in Meals

ahhhhh I finally got this book! look at the marks all over the book hehehhe I just want to try all the recipes right away. I am just happy by looking to this photo. ahhhh <3 I don't think I need to write a lot about this book, because the tittle speaks for itself. This book contains ALL the food that Rachel cooked for her family in a year. So, you can imagine how many recipes in this book!
Milani baked blush in luminoso
Uwooooo it is my new favorite blush. I have only 3 blush in my entire life. Ha! you won't believe me but yes I am not into blush and if I bought one, it takes more than a year to finish it so I don't see why people own so many blush? I only have the Mac one (which I throw it away because it's too old already), Maybelline one and this Milani. To tell you the truth, it's my first peachy blush. Ahhhh love it! I don't need to use a highlighter anymore because it gives you the glow you need in the right place. 10 point out of 10. I looooove this so much.
Book recommendation
I loved this book so much that I always say it to everyone to try to get their hands on it. It's sharp, witty, heartwarming and entirely entertaining. Bee is 15 yo and loves her mother, her eccentric and troubled mother, who one day disappears. The book is a meta-compilation supposedly put together by Bee of emails, articles and other assorted correspondences that tell the story of Bernadette: what made her who she is and what led up to her disappearance. The first 75% of the book is just a delightful satire. There are parts when I just want to hit my head on the walls, there are part of me wanting to cry. This book is so real! please please please read it :)
Scented candles
It's a perfect time to burn candles because rainy cold season is here. Spice up your room with warm and lovely candles!!
The Body Shop Body Butter- Atlas Mountain Rose

This one is not in reguler price IDK why? it's Rp 20.000 more expensive then the rest of TBS body butter. Maybe because it's a special edition? I don't mind tho because it smells so effin good! It is a freaking rose scent for god's sake! Using this after taking a bath with the rose soap is a perfect combination! My bath experience never feel the same way again LOL
Glamglow Mud Pack

hahahaha I look like smurf. I gave this mask a try because I am so curious. It seems like everyone talk about this mask! It is super expensive for my poor pocket! I don't think I will buy this again tho I can't afford it hahahhaha It feels nice after you use this but NAH my pocket feels not nice hahhaha I don't really recommend this product to you all but if you have an extra Rp 700.000 for a small jar mud mask then buy it. I still pick the Garnier one over this :D but still it's my favorite this month. I have to enjoy my money that I spent :p
That is all. see ya next month :)